We looked into the possibilities of online tools that allow you to come up with free, user-friendly logo designs in minutes. Before you think we're going to tell you about these providers for you, we'd like to introduce you to them as we're here to help those who would rather take on the task of designing their own logo, for their start-up micro-business or even for a university project.
Who benefits from automatic logo design?
We found very well built tools in our test, with a user-friendly interface that makes it really easy to get logo designs to choose from in minutes.
They are useful tools, but they have their advantages and disadvantages.
In the following, we present the two platforms we have chosen, and then we look at the situations in which we recommend them and for whom.
Tailor Brands
A Tailor Brands is a web platform where a wide range of design tools are available and the end result is a near-professional logo design.
A Looka Logo Maker a simple website where you can browse through your personalised logo designs in minutes. It can be used without any design knowledge.
Let's start with their advantages
- Very easy to use, intuitive interface.
- We can have logo designs ready in minutes.
- There is little possibility to edit them, in terms of layout, font, icon or image.
- It supports multiple logo schemes.
- It maps needs in a similar way to an agency.
- The design is free, but if you want to use it, you have to pay for it.
- Useful when brain-storming.
- Ready Mock Ups, so we can see what it would look like printed on a business card, t-shirt, how it would look as a badge.
The disadvantages
- As mentioned, the design itself is free, but you can only use it by purchasing it.
- We cannot personalise everything.
- Lack of experience designer on the proposal side.
- Browsing the logos, you quickly discover repetitive patterns.
- If you want a versatile, crowd-pleasing, fully personalised logo design, these are not the answer.
We believe that these plaftorms have a raison d'être, we recommend them for beginners, students or non-professionals, for brainstorming.
- Agile Agency -
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